3 Reasons to Build a Towel Fort this Holiday Season
Why Build a Towel Fort?
We all love a festive trip to the beach. In fact, this practice has become something of an Aussie Christmas tradition in many locations.
But, while beaches are great fun for all the family, it is important to remember that the average kid’s attention span is somewhat shorter than our jaded adult ones. Kids need constant entertainment, they need to be regularly challenged and introduced to new and exciting environments.
This is the beauty of the towel fort. If you need any further convincing, read on for our reasons why a towel fort is a great idea this Christmas.
Get the Kids Involved
Christmas is all about family, and what better way to bring everyone together than on a
family project? Get the kids and everyone else involved in building your fort, turn it into a game and encourage them to let their imaginations run wild.
A towel fort can be a medieval castle, it can be a magical grotto, or it can be anything you want it to be. It’s your fort after all!
Reconnect with Our Prehistoric Ancestors
We’ve grown too soft recently as a species. Generations of creature comforts, social security and not having to worry about being eaten by a sabre-toothed tiger when you step out the front door will do that to you.
While we are certainly not recommending that you go out and hunt down an animal for your evening meal (seriously, don’t do that; it’s dangerous and probably illegal) you can reconnect with your primal side by building your own beach shelter. Strike a blow for humankind; build a towel fort this Christmas!
Adults Need Entertaining Too
Of course kids need entertainment, but let’s not forget about the adults too! Just because you’re over the age of eighteen and can legally drive a car doesn’t mean you are precluded from enjoying yourself.
Above all, building a towel fort is great fun. It helps us regress – even for just a few hours – to a state of childlike bliss, reminding us of a time when everything was new and fun and exciting, and we didn’t have to worry about stuff like bills and – uggh – responsibility.
For all these reasons and more, you must make sure that building a towel fort is on your to-do list this holiday season, and don’t forget to check out our guide on how to build the perfect fort.
Our recommendations for building your towel megastructure include the soft New Plush and our ever popular Elite Range.
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